Thursday, March 1, 2012

A challenge for myself

It's the first of March. A bit late for a New Year's resolution. But I'm going to challenge myself on something from here on out, through the rest of this year, at least.

I'm going to take a picture a day. Maybe try to capture a great shot... or maybe just see something that I don't notice on a daily basis. Some days, I'll give that picture a-go with photoshop. Some days, it'll be the raw image.

It's frustrating - I know how beneficial it is for my family that I work full-time... but I'd rather be staying at home with my kids (part-time, because mind you, I need my adult interaction!)... or going back to school... or pursuing hobbies (i.e. photography, crafting, etc). Then I pinch myself and remember: "This is what being a grown-up is about. Put your big girl pants back on."

And if I hear/read one more post about people who are stay-at-home moms, and how they "can't imagine someone else raising their babies," I might punch them in the face. Just like I try to never ram breastfeeding and my parenting opinions down people's throats, I expect the same respect. I raise my babies, and although I'd prefer my kids to only be in daycare two-three days/week, I am SO appreciative of the interaction they get with other kids on a daily basis. Of the immune system they built up within the first years of their lives. Of the way they've learned to listen to/follow adults other than mommy/daddy. Of the way we didn't bat an eye at full-day kindergarden, or attachment issues. They (all three of them) enjoy their time at "school".

Rant over. Pictures start.